
E - bonitete
AVTO G, tehnična keramika in rezervni deli d.o.o.
Šlandrova ulica 4, 1231 LJUBLJANA - ČRNUČE
The company deals with wholesale, transmission of technical ceramics raw materials and auto parts.
00386 12373510
00386 12373511
Ibrahim Mujezinovič
00386 37574410
00386 37574418
Andrej Poklič
UNIOR d.d.
Kovaška cesta 10, 3214 ZREČE
Unior, Joint-Stock Company is one of the largest and most important Slovenian exporters. With its four production segments: forged parts, hand tools, machine tools and activities in tourism, the Company has been committed to high quality, high utilization of own capacities, to productivity extension as well as to eleva...
00386 37578100
Branko Bračko
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