ALPOX, livarstvo in orodjarstvo, d.o.o.
Company: |
ALPOX, livarstvo in orodjarstvo, d.o.o.
Address: |
Tovarniška cesta 6, 3210 SLOVENSKE KONJICE
Google maps
Municipality: |
Slovenske Konjice
Region: |
Savinjska region
Contacts: |
00386 41526185 Jernej Podkubovšek
Company management: |
Director: Jernej Podkubovšek, tel.: 00386 41526185, Procurator: Marjan Podkubovšek, Procurator: Tini Podkubovšek
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: |
Jernej Podkubovšek, (European Union,Central America,Europe,Scandinavian countries,South America)
Registration number: |
Tax number: |
Organisational form: |
Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: |
Number of employees: |
Size of company: |
Income: |
3.288.810,00 €
Exports share in income: |
69,00 %
Tradition since: |
Total equity: |
2.334.300,00 €
Total assets: |
4.510.398,00 €
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: |
Austria Germany Italy
Description of company: |
ALPOX d.o.o. is technologically modernised and comprehensively equipped family owned aluminium foundry. We are continuously enhancing our high standards in quality and delivery reliability. ALPOX d.o.o. is ISO 9001:2015 certified aluminium die casting manufacturer that specializes in complex, high-quality high-pressure die-cast aluminium components. In addition to manufacturing die cast parts we provide a variety of finishing operations including: drilling, tapping, turning, boring, milling, sanding, shot blasting, vibratory finish and more…
Description of products and services: |
ALPOX d.o.o. is technologically modernised and comprehensively equipped family owned aluminium foundry. We are continuously enhancing our high standards in quality and delivery reliability. ALPOX d.o.o. is ISO 9001:2015 certified aluminium die casting manufacturer that specializes in complex, high-quality high-pressure die-cast aluminium components. In additional to manufacturing die cast parts we provide a variety of finishing operations including: drilling, tapping, turning, boring, milling, sanding, shot blasting, vibratory finish and more…
Classification of company: |
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification 24.530 Casting of light metals
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification 25.73.60 Other tools
Field of activity: |
Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information: |
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2023, last update 22.05.2024. |
Last data update 19.12.2024. |