
E - bonitete

Nolessnomore d.o.o.

Company: Nolessnomore d.o.o.
Address: Blekova vas 44B, 1370 LOGATEC

Google maps
Municipality: Logatec
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 41648375

Darko Klavžar
Company management: Director: Darko Klavžar, tel.: 00386 41648375,
Registration number: 7156049
Tax number: 19980477
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 1
Size of company: Micro
Income: 36.327,00 €
Tradition since: 2016
Total equity: 58.488,00 €
Total assets: 62.727,00 €
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Countries of former Yugoslavia, Europe, Southern Africa
Description of company: We advise executive directors, sales leaders, and sales makers during sales planning and execution for the best company performance. We often assist with sales team members' selection, training, and individual coaching.
Description of products and services: Sales advisory, workshops, and individual coaching.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
70.220 Business and oth. manag. consultancy act.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
70.10.10 Services of head offices
Field of activity: Services
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.