
E - bonitete

FIBB sistemi, proizvodnja, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.

Company: FIBB sistemi, proizvodnja, trgovina in storitve, d.o.o.
Address: Velika Stara vas 13B, 1290 GROSUPLJE

Google maps
Municipality: Grosuplje
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 51341067
Blaž Glavič
Company management: Director: Blaž Glavič, tel.: +38651341067,
Procurator: Irenca Glavič
Registration number: 6464386
Tax number: 82089787
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Size of company: Small
Exports share in income: 85,00 %
Tradition since: 2013
Companies trade marks: FIBBTENs plastic recycling: PP regranulates (copolymer, homopolymer) PE regranulates (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE) other materials (PVC, ABS, HIPS, PET, etc) purpose: injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, blowing, etc shape: reg
FIBBNETs Potiskane mreže za gradbena odra in ograje gradbišč: Construction nets provide an optimal solution for the constructor when protection of materials, workers and the surrounding of the working site needs to be provided Nets are made of highly durable, U
FIBBERs PP (polipropilenska) vlakna za mikroarmiranje: FIBBERs fibril fibres provide smooth surface due to the mesh structure and three-dimensional matrix inside of concrete Fibres are most useful for screeds and industrial floors. With standard length o
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Description of company: FIBB sistemi a family-run business with over 40 years of experience in the recycling, processing and production of plastics, mainly all types of PP (polypropylene) and PE (polyethylene). Our products are mainly used as recycled materials (regranulates) in the production of plastics, while scaffolding nets and PP fibres are used for the construction industry. In addition, we offer various products for wrapping and packaging, mainly for industry and agriculture. The core business of FIBB sistemi d.o.o. is based on four exclusive brands:
  • FIBBTENs plastic recycling
  • FIBBNETs scaffolding nets and construction site fences
  • FIBBERs PP (polypropylene) fibres for micro-reinforcement
  • FIBBPACKs Packaging and wrapping
  • Description of products and services: FIBBTENs plastic recycling
    • PP regranulates (copolymer, homopolymer)
    • PE regranulates (HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE)
    • other materials (PVC, ABS, HIPS, PET, etc)
    • purpose: injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, blowing, etc
    • shape: regranulate, agglomerate, grind, industrial waste – scrap plastics
    FIBBNETs scaffolding nets and construction site fences
    Construction nets provide an optimal solution for the constructor when protection of materials, workers and the surrounding of the working site needs to be provided Nets are made of highly durable, UV protected, weather resistant HDPE or PP materials. They provide protection for construction workers and construction material against direct sunlight, wind and other unwanted weather conditions. They also protect the surrounding of the construction site from dust, fine particles dirt and serve as a barrier between working site and passers-by. Company logo, company brand, advertising messages can be printed on nets, using our own innovative printing technology and solutions.
    FIBBERs PP (polypropylene) fibres for micro-reinforcementfibril, monoFIBBPACKs Packaging and wrappingmore on
    Classification of company:
    Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    Other activities in accordance with the NACE classification
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    22.290 Manufacture of other plastic products
    Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
    22.29.91 Manufacturing services of other plastic products
    Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
    Chemical and Rubber
    Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
    Last data update 22.04.2024.