
E - bonitete

INEA RBT – oprema za avtomatizacijo d.o.o.

Company: INEA RBT – oprema za avtomatizacijo d.o.o.
Address: Stegne 11, 1000 LJUBLJANA

Google maps
Municipality: Ljubljana
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 15138100
Cvetko Pepelnik
Company management: Director: Cvetko Pepelnik, tel.: 00386 41 378 196
: Devid Palčič, Peter Kosin
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Cvetko Pepelnik, (Croatia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Albania,North Macedonia,Serbia,Kosovo,Montenegro)
Registration number: 6025927
Tax number: 27056449
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Inter-company connections: Parent company: INEA d.o.o., Stegne 11, 1000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
Number of employees: 10
Size of company: Small
Income: 3.282.138,00 €
Exports share in income: 18,00 %
Tradition since: 2011
Total equity: 42.056,00 €
Total assets: 1.409.772,00 €
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: Mitsubishi Electric: representative of factory automation components (PLC, HMI, servo, robots, SCADA, switchgears)
HMS Networks: communication converters for industrial communicational protocols, routers for remote access and data aquisition and converters/modules for centralisation of AC devices and for building automation
Kepware /PTC, Inc.: Products for centralisation of factory data and aquisition of data from factory floor for needs of managerial levels. Main product is KEPServerEX, which works as OPC Server.
inray Industriesoftware Gmbh / OPC Router: OPC Router connects bi-directionally factory level and managerial level of production companies. Numerous plug-ins for various applications/clients offer rich possibilities in case of OPC communicati
Representative bodies: INEA CR d.o.o. Lošinjska 4a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (Mirjana Imbrija, tel.: 00 385 1 3694 001, e-mail:
INEA SR d.o.o. Batajnički drum 10. deo 1b, 11080 Zemun, Serbia (Aleksandar Matovski, tel.: +381 69 172 27 25, e-mail:
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description of company: Inea RBT Ltd. was established in 2011 as a company for distribution of Factory automation equipment of worldwide known producers Mitsubishi Electric, HMS Industrial Networks, Kepware Server Technologies in inray Industriesoftware Gmbh. Company is in ownership of Inea d.o.o. from Ljubljana. Beside dealership of equipment, solutions and
softvare for automation & digitalisation, important part of our work is technical support for our customers. We help them develop applications and we consult them about usage of factory automation equipment to minimize total costs of ownership of equipment. We organize trainings and presentations of product novelties.
Description of products and services:
  • Factory automation equipment (PLC controllers, frequency inverters, HMI panels,
    industrial robots, collaborative robots, SCADA control systems, servo drives
    and switchgear)
  • Communicational modules and converters for industrial environments and for building
  • OPC platforms (OPC Server and OPC Router) for centralisation of factory data
    and for communication with IT level of production companies

Market keywords
03001006 Controllers
03001008 Display panels
03001009 Other electronics related (including keyboards)

01001001 Automation, Robotics Control Systems
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
46.520 Wholesale of electronic, telecom. equip.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
46.52.12 Wholesale trade services of electronic equipment and parts
Certificates: ISO 9001:2015
Field of activity: Electronics, IT and Telecomms
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.