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SMAK printtisk

Company: SMAK printtisk
Address: Prečna 9, 8000 NOVO MESTO

Google maps
Municipality: Novo mesto
Region: Jugovzhodna region
Contacts: 00386 73348516
Silvester Murgelj
Company management: Director: Silvester Murgelj
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Silvester Murgelj,
Registration number: 5916574
Tax number: 60223278
Organisational form: Independent Individual Entrepr
Source of capital: Domestic
Size of company: Micro
Exports share in income: 24,00 %
Tradition since: 1990
Companies trade marks: SMAK: self-adhesive labels
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Croatia: 90 %
Serbia: 3 %
Greece: 2 %
Russian Federation: 2 %
Bulgaria: 1 %
Hungary: 1 %
Romania: 1 %
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Austria, Netherlands
Description of company: SMAK printtisk is a printing and graphic company present on the local and foreign markets since 1990. In 25 years it has specialized in production of cut-sheet self-adhesive labels and developed one of the most modern graphic studios in the region. It offers solutions of digital printing, graphic design, golden print and printing finishing (cutting, folding, laminating...). It works with flexo, offset and hot foil printing techniques and takes care of your image from an idea to a finished product.
Description of products and services: 1. Self-adhesive labels SMAK: The company has been producing self-adhesive labels for all types of printers and photocopiers for 15 years. SMAK labels are available in different materials and in over 60 cuts on A4 sheets. They are manufactured from high quality self-adhesive materials (wood-free white, coloured, fluorescent, opaque, removable, transparent, silver ...) and suitable for home and professional use (office, industry, logistics, advertising...). 

2. Office segment: In the regular office programme they offer business form books from carbonless paper (sales order books, receiving record books, auto mileage logs... ). Apart from standardized business form books they produce business form books with variable data on demand as well. 

3. Graphic design, prepress, printing and finishing: In SMAK graphic studio experts can advise, design and print a variety of printed materials (calendars, recognition awards, wine and other labels, catalogues, brochures, booklets, business cards...). They also offer several printing finishing services (folding, creasing, cutting, binding, laminating...).
Market keywords
07006001 Other Consumer Related (not elsewhere classified)

03009002 Printed Reel Material
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
18.120 Other printing
Other activities in accordance with the NACE classification
18.120 Other printing
18.120 Other printing
18.120 Other printing
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
18.12.15 Printing services for labels and tags
18.12.12 Printing services for advertising catalogues, prospects, posters and other printed advertising
17.23.13 Registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of stationery, of paper or paperboard
17.29.11 Labels of paper or paperboard
17.23.99 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of paper stationery
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
482190 Other paper or paperboard labels
Certificates: AAA Highest creditworthiness Rating
Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.