
E - bonitete

HIC SALTA, d.o.o., Ljubljana

Company: HIC SALTA, d.o.o., Ljubljana
Address: Tbilisijska ulica 85, 1000 LJUBLJANA

Google maps
Municipality: Ljubljana
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 12447820
Tone Hodnik
Company management: Director: Tone Hodnik, tel.: 00386 12447820,
Procurator: Iztok Lasič, tel.: 00386 12447822,
Procurator: Tomaž Janež
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Iztok Lasič,
Registration number: 5913110
Tax number: 85508381
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 1
Size of company: Micro
Income: 278.472,00 €
Tradition since: 1995
Total equity: 159.569,00 €
Total assets: 171.033,00 €
Companies trade marks: HSS - Hic Salta Scan: securiy tests package
BIA: Business Impact Analysis
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: Clearswift Ltd.: E-lail and web security
WatchGuard: firewalls, UTM, e-mail and web security appliances
Sourcefire: IPS/IDS
Rapid7: Vulnerability Management
Q1 Labs: Qradar SIEM, log management
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Albania: 50 %
Croatia: 50 %
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description of company: IT security solutions: firewalls, e-mail and web security, IPS/IDS, DLP, Vulnerability Management and consulting: Security testing (penetration and vulnerability), Information Security Management Systems (ISO 27001), business continuity (BS 25999), database audit trail management.
Description of products and services: Information security: distribution, reselling and implementation of infosec solutions of our partners (Clearswift, GFI, WatchGuard, Cisco/Sourcefire, Rapid7), consulting (security tests, security policies, risk analysis, ISO 27001, business continuity, BS 25999), database audit trail management
Market keywords
02007001 Systems software
02007006 Other system software

01003006 Computer Software
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
62.020 Information technology consultancy act.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
62.02.20 Systems and software consultancy services
62.02.10 Hardware consultancy services
Field of activity: Electronics, IT and Telecomms
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.