
E - bonitete

NI TRADE proizvodnja, trgovina, inženiring, d.o.o.

Company: NI TRADE proizvodnja, trgovina, inženiring, d.o.o.
Address: Obrtna ulica 11, 8257 DOBOVA

Google maps
Municipality: Brežice
Region: Spodnjeposavska region
Contacts: 00386 74962145
Christian Kajtna
Company management: Director: Christian Kajtna, tel.: 00386 74962145,
Purchasing Director: Gordan Lazarov, tel.: 00386 74962145,
Procurator: Nikola Lazarov
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Christian Kajtna,
Gordan Lazarov,
Registration number: 5765668
Tax number: 48377252
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Size of company: Small
Exports share in income: 1,00 %
Tradition since: 1993
Companies trade marks: CARLA: Our own registered brand for jeans clothing: pants, capris, skirts, shorts, jackets, accessories - belts and our own collection of women's blouses, skirts, blazers, jackets, T-shirts.
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: HOLIDAY: Italijanska blagovna znamka, ki ponuja skrbno izdelana oblačila iz jeansa za moške in ženske: hlače, jakne, bermude, capri hlače, krila, brezrokavnike, ...
BRUG JEANS: Priznana blagovna znamka, ki ponuja skrbno izdelana oblačila iz jeansa za moške in ženske: hlače, jakne, capri hlače, krila, ...
FRUIT OF THE LOOM: Svetovno priznana blagovna znamka, ki ponuja oblačila za šport in prosti čas: T-shirt, polo majice, spodnje dele trenirk, puloverje in moško spodnje perilo.
BRUGI: Italian brand offering sports and leisure clothing: jackets, winter jackets, snowsuits, ski wear, pants, shirts, shorts, skirts, swimwear...
DONELLA UNDERWEAR: Underwear brand offering soft and comfortable fabrics and various types and models of men's and women's underwear: undershirts, panties...
FIEL: Recognized brand offering elaborate sports and leisure clothing (made of pleasant-to-wear and high-quality fabrics) for men and women: tracksuit bottoms, tracksuit tops, capris, leggings, shorts...
NICKEL: German recognized brand offering sports and leisure clothing: jackets, winter jackets, snowsuits, ski wear, pants, T-shirts, shorts, skirts, swimwear...
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria: 45 %
Croatia: 35 %
Germany: 10 %
Hungary: 10 %
Description of company: The company was established in 1993 with domestic capital. Our primary activity is wholesale of all kinds of ready-made textile products for children and adults. In 2000 the company began expanding its retail trade network across Slovenia under the name TOP LINE, which is also the name of our own company trademark. We have the following goals and guidelines: strengthen good business relations with our customers; market products made of good quality materials; approach our customers and help them find the best solution, offer reliable quality under reasonable prices; follow-up with new developments in the fields of fashion and materials; follow-up with market requirements and adapt to demand. Our company’s motto: Satisfied customers are the driver of our company!
Description of products and services: Our main activity is wholesale of all kinds of ready-made textile products of trademarks marketed by us. The product mix includes jeans clothes, sportswear and casual (free-time) clothing for all ages. Our market operation system is conducted through sales agents and at company seat, and it includes: finishing off major spring/summer and autumn/winter collections of all trademarks, finishing off and offering interim collections which are imported twice a month, offering collections of basic items of all trademarks throughout the year
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
46.410 Wholesale of textiles
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
47.00.71 Retail trade services of clothing
Field of activity: Commerce
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.