
E - bonitete


Company: GOJAK AGENZIA d.o.o.
Address: Ferrarska ulica 14, 6000 KOPER - CAPODISTRIA

Google maps
Municipality: Koper
Region: Obalno-kraška region
Contacts: 00386 40207663
00386 56130000
Mirjana Gojak
Company management: Director: Mirjana Gojak, tel.: +38640207663,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Mirjana Gojak,
Registration number: 5463651
Tax number: 68991444
Organisational form: Independent Individual Entrepr
Source of capital: Is not specified
Size of company: Undefined
Income: 46.975,00 €
Exports share in income: 31,00 %
Tradition since: 1995
Total equity: 91.169,00 €
Total assets: 101.937,00 €
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: Symphony Environmental Ltd - D2W,D2P: oxo-bio degradable additive anti-microbial plastic
Constab-Kafrit Group: masterbatches and additives for PE and PP
Gerbaldo Polimeri Italia: PE compounds in granules and powder
Vitasheet Group- Royalite Italia: ABS/PMMA and PS sheets for thermoforming; PP,PET,APET sheets for graphic industry and for packaging
Lucobit Germany: EBA
Maklaus Italia: rewinder machines and perforation systems for plastic foils
OCSIAL: Single-wall carbon nanotubes
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Bulgaria, Romania
Description of company: We represent and distribute plastic raw materials and semi products of various suppliers from Italy, Germany, Great Britain and Israel.
Description of products and services: Oxo-bio degradable additive; anti-microbial plastic masterbatches and additives for PE and PP LDPE,LLDPE,HDPE,PP HOMO-COPO,EVA,EBA PE compounds in granules and powder ABS/PMMA and PS sheets for thermoforming; PP,PET,APET sheets for graphic industry and packaging; rewinder machines and perforation systems for plastic foils, Single-Wall Carbon nanotubes
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
68.200 Renting, operating of own real estate
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
46.19.10 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of a variety of goods
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
390110 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of less than 0.94
390120 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of 0.94 or more
390210 Polypropylene
390130 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers
Field of activity: Commerce
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.