
E - bonitete


Address: Vorančev trg 1, 2380 SLOVENJ GRADEC

Google maps
Municipality: Slovenj Gradec
Region: Koroška region
Contacts: 00386 28839480
Company management: Director: Žan Pritržnik, tel.: 00386 28839480,
Procurator: Silvo Pritržnik, tel.: 00386 2 88 39 480,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Daniel Plešej,
Registration number: 5292174
Tax number: 90431383
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Inter-company connections: Subsidiary: LESOTEKA IP d.o.o., Spodnja Vižinga 70, 2360 , Slovenia
Subsidiary: LESOTEKA HIŠE d.o.o., Vorančev trg 1, 2380 , Slovenia
Subsidiary: LESOTEKA TRGOVINE d.o.o., Vorančev trg 1, 2380 SLOVENJ GRADEC, Slovenia
Subsidiary: Lesoteka inženiring d.o.o., Vornačev trg 1, 2380 SLOVENJ GRADEC, Slovenia (, e-mail:
Number of employees: 40
Size of company: Medium-sized
Exports share in income: 45,00 %
Tradition since: 1989
Companies trade marks: LESOTEKA: Solid wood houses.
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: HUSQVARNA: Motor saws, lawn mowers.
JONSERED: Motor saws.
STIHL: Motor saws.
VIKING: Lawn mowers.
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Albania
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Middle east, Northern Africa, Türkiye
Description of company: Lesoteka Group v svoji organizacijski strukturi vključuje podjetja Lesoteka d.o.o., Lesoteka IP d.o.o., Lesoteka hiše d.o.o., Lesoteka trgovine d.o.o. in Lesoteka inženiring d.o.o.
V skupini deluje celotna gozdno lesna veriga s sloganom Od gozda do hiše. Primarna dejavnost skupine se začne že v gozdu z gozdarstvom, nadaljuje pa na lastni žagi s predelavo hlodovine v žagan les. Stranski proizvod žagovino in ostale lesne ostanke predelajo v lesne pelete z najvišjim certifikatom kakovosti ENplus A1 in ostalo lesno biomaso. Znotraj skupine deluje invalidsko podjetje, ki zaposluje težje zaposljive osebe in invalide, katerih osnovna dejavnost je izdelava lesene embalaže ter sušenje in skobljanje lesa. Iz slovenskega lesa gradijo masivne lesene hiše butične proizvodnje in individualnih zasnov, izdelanih po željah in potrebah kupcev ter stenske panele za večje javne objekte po Sloveniji in svetu. V lasti imajo 3 istoimenske fizične in spletno trgovino s prodajo žaganega lesa, pripomočkov za delo v gozdu in na vrtu, hobi program za domače mojstre ter servis in trgovina programa Husqvarna.
Description of products and services: - Logs coniferous, deciduous, drugs, technical wood, pulp wood, firewood,
- Logging, harvesting, silvicultural work,
- Timber, lumber, wood for the roofing of Carinthia quality spruce,
- Houses made of solid wood,
- Decimal wood elements for furniture industry,
- Wood chips.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
16.100 Sawmilling and planing of wood
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
02.40.10 Support services to forestry
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
271019 Medium oils and preparations, of petroleum or bituminous minerals, n.e.s.
440399 Other wood, in the rough
440710 Wood sawn, chipped lengthwise, of thickness excee.6mmconiferous
440320 Other wood, in the rough, coniferous, treated with paint
440392 Wood of beech, in the rough
440792 Wood sawn, chipped lengthwise of beech, of thickne. excee. 6mm
440130 Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated
440799 Other wood sawn, chipped lengthwise, of thickness excee. 6mm
440890 Other veneer sheets, sheets for plywood
440391 Wood of oak, in the rough
440121 Wood in chips or particles, coniferous
442190 Other wooden articles of furniture, not included in chapter
441520 Pallets, box pallets and other load boards
441890 Other aricles builders' joinery and carpentary of wood
Certificates: PEFC
Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.