
E - bonitete

CPK, d.d., družba za vzdrževanje cest, gradbeništvo in druge poslovne storitve

Company: CPK, d.d., družba za vzdrževanje cest, gradbeništvo in druge poslovne storitve
Address: Ulica 15.maja 14, 6000 KOPER - CAPODISTRIA

Google maps
Municipality: Koper
Region: Obalno-kraška region
Contacts: 00386 56630200
00386 56630214
Igor Ukota
Company management: Ghairman of the Management Board: Igor Ukota, tel.: 00386 56630200,
Member of the Board: Klavdijo Čendak
Member of the Management Board: Aleksandra Ukota
Registration number: 5069041
Tax number: 63624443
Organisational form: Joint Stock Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Inter-company connections: Subsidiary: CPK ITER D.O.O., Ulica 15. maja 14, 6000 KOPER - CAPODISTRIA, Slovenia
Number of employees: 280
Size of company: Large
Exports share in income: 3,00 %
Tradition since: 1962
Companies trade marks: CPK: ...
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: European Union
Description of company: Construction is an activity that only lets the strong, capitally adequate and stable companies with highly flexible programmes survive. We can confidently rank CPK d.d. among such companies. With a 50-year-long tradition in building construction and road construction serving as our foundation, we decided in the mid nineteen nineties that we would complement the traditional activities we were well-known for with new ones. The decision on building construction was therefore not an unusual one. What is encouraging is the fact that the company’s very first strides in the new direction were solid and successful.
Description of products and services:
  • Road maintenance,
  • civil engineering and
  • other commercial services.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
42.110 Construction of roads and motorways
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
08.12.12 Granules, chippings and powder; pebbles, gravel
23.99.13 Bituminous mixtures based on natural and artificial stone materials and bitumen, natural asphalt or related substances as a binder
Field of activity: Building and Construction
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2023, last update 22.05.2024.
Last data update 22.07.2024.