
E - bonitete

TEKSTINA Tekstilna Industrija d.o.o.

Company: TEKSTINA Tekstilna Industrija d.o.o.
Address: Tovarniška cesta 15, 5270 AJDOVŠČINA

Google maps
Municipality: Ajdovščina
Region: Goriška region
Contacts: 00386 53692213
Simeon Špruk
Company management: General Manager: Simeon Špruk, tel.: 00386,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: ,
Registration number: 5039819
Tax number: 27362736
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 68
Size of company: Medium-sized
Income: 14.766.822,00 €
Exports share in income: 99,00 %
Tradition since: 1828
Total equity: 14.244.342,00 €
Total assets: 22.127.103,00 €
Companies trade marks: TEX TIM: Textiles
URIM: multinorm fabric
ANGE: multinorm fabric
TISKA: print on demand
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Czech Republic
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
North Macedonia
Republic of Korea
Russian Federation
San Marino
United Kingdom
United States
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Nigeria, United Arab Emirates
Description of company: Tekstina is a story of progress, creativity, and innovation
and we have a long tradition in fabric production since 1828. We are a fully
integrated company from the weaving department, preparation, dying, printing,
and finishing.
We have a fashion division and tech division (PPE fabrics).
The fashion division presents creativity and fabric
production for shirting, pajamas, swimwear, and women's blouses.
The tech division provides high-performance fabrics for the
PPE segment, that excel in safety, comfort, and quality for daily working life.
Description of products and services: Fashion fabrics:
Creation of designs and own collection of fabrics
Production of woven and printed fabrics for men's shirting,
pajamas, swimwear, and women's blouses.

Technical fabrics:
Production of innovative fabrics for the PPE segment as
fabrics for garments for arc protection, rain arc protection, lining, flame
retardant multirisk, and fabrics for the firefighter's segment.
Video presentation of company
Market keywords
08005001 Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)

10001003 Fire Safety Technology
10001004 Hazardous Materials
02007018 Advanced Textile Materials
03005007 Textile fibres
03005008 Weaving related to Textiles Technology
03005003 Dyeing related to Textiles Technology
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
72.110 R&D on biotechnology
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
13.20.20 Woven fabrics of cotton
13.10.61 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread)
13.10.62 Cotton sewing thread
13.10.71 Flax yarn
13.10.40 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste
13.10.50 Yarn of wool put up or not put up for retail store; yarn of fine or coarse animal hair or of horse hair
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
521131 Cotton fabr., dyed, (85% cotton), plain weave, more 200 g/m2
521214 Other cotton fabrics, of yarns of diff. colo.,weighing 200g/m2
520832 Woven cott. fabri.plain weave, weighing more 100 g/m2, bleached
520849 Other cot.fabr.of yarns of diff.colo., cont.85% cottom, 200g/m2
590390 Other textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered
551339 Oth.wov.fabr., of synth.staple fib.(85%), not exce.170g/m2, cot.
521041 Cotton fabr., of yarns of diff.colo., plain weave, 200 g/m2
520939 Other cotton fabr., dyed, weighing more than 200 g/m2
551422 Fabr., cross twill, of polyester staple fib., exce 170g/m2, cot.
551611 Wov.fabr., cont.85% more artificial staple fib., unblea., blea.
520943 Cot.fabr.of yarns of diff.colo., cross twill, weig.more 200g/m2
530911 Woven fabrics of flax, unbleached or bleached, (cont.85% flax)
520833 Woven cotton fabri., bleached, cross twill, weighing 200 g/m2
520851 Cotton fabr., printed, plain weave, weighing not more 100g/m2
520931 Cotton fabr., dyed, plain weave, weighing more 200 g/m2
551614 Wov. fabr., cont. 85% more artificial staple fibres, printed
521152 Cotton fabr., printed, (85% cotton), cross twill, more 200 g/m2
520932 Cotton fabr., dyed, cross twill, weighing more 200 g/m2
520852 Cotton fabr., printed, plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2
520842 Cot.fabr.of yarns of diff.colo., plain weave, weig.more 100g/m2
521031 Cotton fabr., bleached, plain weave, (85% cotton),200 g/m2
520841 Cot.fabr.of yarns of diff.colo., pla.weave, more100g/m2
520839 Other cott. fabrics, bleached, cot. 85% cotton, weighing 200g/m2
520859 Other cotton fabr., printed, cont. 85% cotton, weighing 200 g/m2
551612 Woven fabr., cont. 85% more artificial staple fibres, dyed
520843 Cot.fabr. of yarns of diff.colours, cross twill, weigh. 200g/m2
551412 Fabe., cross twill, of polye. staple fib., exce. 170g/m2, cotton
521132 Cotton fabr., dyed, (85% cotton), cross twill, more 200 g/m2
551421 Fabr., of polye. staple fib., plain weave, exce. 170g/m2, cotton
551311 Fabr.of polye.staple fib., plain weave, not exce.170g/m2, cott.
521039 Other cotton fabr.,(85% cotton), bleached, 200 g/m2
520821 Woven cott.fabri., plain weave, weigh. not more 100 g/m2, blea.
521051 Cotton fabr., printed, (85% cotton), plain weave, 200 g/m2
521032 Cotton fabr., bleached, cross twill, (85% cotton),200 g/m2
521049 Other cotton fabr., of yarns of diff.colo.,weihg. 200 g/m2
521223 Other cotton fabrics, dyed, weighing more than 200 g/m2
520822 Woven cott.fabri.plain weave, weighing more 100 g/m2, bleached
521021 Cotton fabr., bleached, plain weave, (85% cotton),200 g/m2
551423 Other woven fabr., of polyester staple fib., exce. 170g/m2, cot.
521029 Other cotton fabr., bleached, (85% cotton),200 g/m2
520829 Other fabrics woven cott. fabri., cont. 85% cotton, bleached
Certificates: ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.