
E - bonitete

Ikona Ljubljana

Company: Ikona Ljubljana
Address: Mestni trg 24, 1000 LJUBLJANA

Google maps
Municipality: Ljubljana
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 17295730
Jana Kern Jeras
Company management: Director: Jana Kern Jeras
Procurator: Bojan Kosirnik
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Marieta Milanović Trapo,
Registration number: 3854833
Tax number: 80162754
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 7
Size of company: Small
Income: 1.203.727,00 €
Tradition since: 2010
Total equity: 0
Total assets: 896.484,00 €
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: Religion Clothing Uk: In Slovenia, Religion Clothing UK is available exculsivey in Ikona.
La Haine Inside Us: Daring fashion brand, presenting emotions translated info fashion.
Chiara Ferragni: Chiara Ferragni brand is available exclusively for Slovene and Croatian market in Ikona.
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Northern America, South America
Description of company: Ikona is a concept store based on fashion, beauty and art. Discover a world of exclusive fashion brands and niche perfumes!
Description of products and services: Ikona is a departement store of alternative shopping, inspiring all the fashion enthusiasts. We're offering world known fashion brands such as EA7 Armani, Kendall+Kylie, New Balance, Chiara Ferragni, Religion, Imperial, Nicce London, Moschino Underwear & Gym and many others. Join a series of celebrities and become a true Icon.
Market keywords
07004001 Clothing, shoes and accessories (including jewellery)
07004002 Health and beauty aids

11008001 Creative services
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
47.190 Other retail in non-sp. stores
Other activities in accordance with the NACE classification
47.190 Other retail in non-sp. stores
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
47.00.51 Retail trade services of textiles
47.00.72 Retail trade services of footwear
47.00.82 Retail trade services of watches and jewellery
47.00.76 Retail trade services of cosmetic and toilet articles
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
620212 Women's, girls' overcoats, car-coats, raincoats, of cotton
620520 Men's, boys' shirts, of cotton
620630 Women's, girls' shirts, blouses, of cotton
620112 Men's, boys' overcoats, car-coats, of cotton
620412 Women's, girls' suits, of cotton
621430 Shawls, scarves, not knitted, crocheted, of synthetic fibres
640320 Footwear with outer soles of leather, uppers consist of leat.
640419 Footwear, of textile mat.,with outer soles of rubber, plactics
640330 Footwear made on base, platform of wood, not have metal toe-cap
640351 Footwear, with outer soles of leather, covering the ankle
640391 Footwear, covering the ankle
640399 Other footwear, with outer soles of leather
910212 Wrist-watches, battery, other than case of precious metal, with opto-electronic display
650699 Headgear, of other materials
611010 Jerseys, pullovers, knitted, crocheted, of wool, fine animal hair
Field of activity: Commerce
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.