
E - bonitete

BELES, predelava lesa d.o.o.

Company: BELES, predelava lesa d.o.o.
Address: Laze 26, 8323 URŠNA SELA

Google maps
Municipality: Semič
Region: Jugovzhodna region
Contacts: 00386 31745833
00386 73066706
Matic Žagar
Company management: Director: Matic Žagar, tel.: 00386 31745833,
Procurator: Pavel Žagar
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Matic Žagar,
Registration number: 3750019
Tax number: 65511000
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 22
Size of company: Small
Income: 5.928.677,00 €
Exports share in income: 63,00 %
Tradition since: 2010
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
United Arab Emirates
Description of company: Company BELES d.o.o. operates in the market of primary wood processing for more than 15 years. The company takes care of the entire process of wood processing, that is, from the log to the semi-finished product.
Description of products and services: Products:
  • Wooden pallets and wooden packaging,
  • Timber and wood decimation,
  • Impregnated sleepers,
  • Biomass and wood chips.
  • Cutting wood,
  • Drying and heat treatment of wood,
  • Fragmentation of wood with the grinding machine,
  • Removal of waste wood,
  • Removals, timber and timber redemption,
  • Wood impregnations.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
16.100 Sawmilling and planing of wood
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
16.10.10 Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm; railway or tramway sleepers of wood not impregnated
Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.