
E - bonitete


Address: PE Rimska cesta 98A, 3311 ŠEMPETER V SAVINJSKI DOLINI

Google maps
Municipality: Žalec
Region: Savinjska region
Contacts: 00386 34910760
Nejc Đorđić
Company management: Director: NEJC ĐORĐIĆ, tel.: 00386 34910760,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: NEJC ĐORĐIĆ,
Registration number: 3102297
Tax number: 83131833
Organisational form: Independent Individual Entrepr
Source of capital: Is not specified
Number of employees: 1
Size of company: Micro
Tradition since: 2006
Companies trade marks: DIVINITA ORIGINAL: Divinita TM is a prebiotic organic and natural dietary supplement based on brown algae (Ascophyllum Nodusum) and is the only prebiotic nutritional supplement containing all natural minerals and nutri
H2E NET: H2E NET - is designed to solve environmental protection problems in a simple way when all standard solutions fail. The additive is made of brown seaweed ASCOPHLLUM NODOSUM. H2E NET prevents unpleasan
ČISTILNE NAPRAVE H2E: Wastewater treatment plants H2E are a Slovenian product recognized worldwide and are manufactured in line with EN 12566-3: 2005 + A2: 2013 standard. Wastewater treatment plants H2E are non-electric,
BCX 900: BCX 900 is a bio-activator intended for fertilization and soil improvement in conventional or organic plant cultivation. It strengthens plant cells and allows plants to achieve optimum growth
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Republic of South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Description of company: The company EKO GEA, Nejc Đorđić s.p. is dedicated to solving ecology problems. We offer complete solutions in the field of agriculture, livestock farming, landfill rehabilitation, waste management (unpleasant odour, leachate...), and in the field of energy and environment for improved biogas production and operation of existing wastewater treatment plants.
Description of products and services:
Wastewater treatment plants H2E are a Slovenian product recognized worldwide and are manufactured in line with EN 12566-3: 2005 + A2: 2013 standard. Wastewater treatment plants H2E are non-electric, soundless, almost invisible, odour free, contain no active sludge, no maintenance services are required, and they do not release greenhouse gases.
BIO ACTIVATOR – BCX 900. BCX 900 is a bio activator intended for conventional or
organic cultivation of plants, for fertilization and soil improvement. It works to strengthen plant cells and enables optimal plant growth.
H2ENET - is designed to solve environmental protection problems in a simple way when all standard solutions fail. The additive is made of brown seaweed ASCOPHLLUM NODOSUM. H2E NET prevents unpleasant odour, decomposes sludge (in septic tanks, biological treatment plants), and unclogs drainage pipes.
DIVINITA ORIGINAL is a prebiotic organic and natural dietary supplement based on brown algae
(Ascophyllum Nodusum) and is the only prebiotic nutritional supplement containing all
natural minerals and nutrients.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
46.750 Wholesale of chemical products
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
46.75.11 Wholesale trade services of fertilisers and agro-chemical products
Field of activity: Commerce
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 20.03.2024.