
E - bonitete


Address: Brezoviška cesta 9, 1351 BREZOVICA PRI LJUBLJANI

Google maps
Municipality: Brezovica
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 31377720
Štefka Urbanija
Company management: Director: Štefka Urbanija, tel.: 00386 31777618,
Procurator: Aleš Urbanija
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Aleš Urbanija,
Registration number: 2336316
Tax number: 75408686
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Number of employees: 5
Size of company: Small
Income: 2.404.911,00 €
Exports share in income: 36,00 %
Tradition since: 2007
Total equity: 461.823,00 €
Total assets: 1.341.729,00 €
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: CRESSONI: - grain header - soybean header
MECMAR: Driers for grain
ASSALONI: Snow ploughs for tractors, trucks, working machines, snow blowers, salt spreaders, attachements for road maintanance
FB BOSSINI: Slurry spreaders, trailers, manure spreaders
BREVIGLIERI: Power harrows, rotary tillers, interrow tillers for vegetables, mechanical seed drill machines for grain, schredders
DONDI: Rotary ditchers, culitvators-minimum tillage, grubers, vineyard and orchars machinery, road maintanance machinery
EDIL LECA: Prefabricated silos for silage, lagoons for slurry
ENERGY: Tractor coupling generating sets, diesel engine generating sets, gasoline gen.sets, welding generators, industrial diesel units
FAVARO: field sprayers, vineyard and orchard sprayers
IMANTS: rotary spaders for heavy loamy soil, for light sandy soil, deep spaders, tillage attachements, professional compation meter, Culter-subsoiler
MAAG : Minimum tillage and deep preparation of soil, light subsoilers, grubers, cultivators, interrow cultivators for corn, pneumatic seed drill machines for corn, seed drill machines for direct seeding
ORSI: Schredders, bushcutters, forestry mulchers, tractor fork lifts, selfpropelled fruit harvesters
RM: Hose-reel professional irrigation systems, pivot booms for irrigation, tractor coupling pumps, diesel engine pumps
ROC: Continous mergers
SAPHIR: Grass harrows, attachements for loaders, ground shields
SCHÄFFER: Telescopic articulated loaders, wheel articulated loaders, compact articulated loaders and attachments
SCHALLER: Grain moisture meters, probes for moisture in hay and straw
SGARIBOLDI: Selfpropelled diet feeding mixers, trailed diet feeding mixers
GRANIT: Spare parts
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description of company: Company BRAU d.o.o. deals with the representation, trade, providing new and used agricultural and construction machinery and equipment and the sale and installation of prefabricated sheds for industry and agriculture.
Description of products and services: Representation, trafficking, brokering, sales and installation in industry, agriculture, construction machinery.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
46.610 Wholesale of agr. machinery, equip., sup.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
46.61.11 Wholesale trade services of agricultural and forestry machinery, equipment and supplies, including tractors
Field of activity: Commerce
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2023, last update 22.05.2024.
Last data update 01.10.2024.