
E - bonitete

EXOTERM-IT d.o.o., družba za proizvodnjo, inženiring, zastopstvo in trgovino, Kranj

Company: EXOTERM-IT d.o.o., družba za proizvodnjo, inženiring, zastopstvo in trgovino, Kranj
Address: Struževo 66, 4000 KRANJ

Google maps
Municipality: Kranj
Region: Gorenjska region
Contacts: 00386 42770700
00386 42770711
Bojan Veber
Company management: Director: Bojan Veber, tel.: 00386 42770739,
Procurator: Janko Čevka, tel.: 00386 42770713,
Director: Andraž Čevka, tel.: 00386 42770740,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Bojan Veber,
Registration number: 1775421
Tax number: 91817277
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Inter-company connections: Subsidiary: Exoterm-ITS, Ulica pilota Zorana Tomiča 23, 11300 Smederevo, Serbia
Number of employees: 35
Size of company: Medium-sized
Income: 21.908.398,00 €
Exports share in income: 53,00 %
Tradition since: 2003
Total equity: 6.025.263,00 €
Total assets: 10.689.690,00 €
Companies trade marks: karbosil (sic): xx
modex: xxx
lunkerit: xxx
exocoating: xxx
Karburit: Karburit
karburit: recarburiser
Representation of third party's trade marks and companies: Magma Gmbh. Aachen: Software
GTP Schäfer: Feeders
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
Russian Federation
Description of company: Products for casting industry. Exoterm-it d.o.o. got the prize, called Gazela, as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing companies in Slovenia.
Description of products and services: Production and sales of ancillary foundry and metallurgical resources:
- exothermic mixture,
- thermo isolation materials for coating molds,
- exothermic-isolating power for casting of metals and alloys,
- fluxes,
- modifiers and briquettes ferroalloys for gray and ductile iron,
- alcoholic and aqueous coatings for sand molds and cores,
- coatings for pressure and gravity die casting,
- products for foundry form (adhesive cores accessories for CO2 process separators, fixtures, etc.).
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
20.590 Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
19.10.10 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
720221 Ferro-silicon:containing by weight more than 55% of silicon
271312 Petruleum coke,calcined
284910 Carbides of calcium
280300 Carbon
382410 Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
390940 Phenolic resins
340319 Preparations used for petroleum oil treatment of materials
381600 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions
253010 Vermiculite,perlite and chlorites,unexpanded
760310 Aluminium, powders of non-lamellar structure
720299 Other ferro-alloys
720211 Ferro-manganese, containing by weight more than 2% of carbon
320890 Paints based on synthetic polymers, chem. modified natur. poly
253090 Other mineral substances, not elswhere specified or included
854511 Carbon electrodes, of a kind used for furnaces
720150 Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen
380110 Artificial graphite
845420 Ingot moulds and casting ladles
284920 Carbides of silicon
320990 Paints based on acrylic, vinyl polymers, in aqueous medium
854810 Waste and scarp of primary cells, batteries and electric acumulators; spent primary cells
720510 Granules, of pig iron, iron, steel, spiegeleisen
481930 Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or more
382490 Other residual products of the cemical or allied industries vii plastics thereof; rubber and articles
290519 Other alcohols monohydric saturated
270111 Anthracite, whether or not pulverized, not agglomerated
Certificates: ISO 45001
ISO 9001:2015
Field of activity: Chemical and Rubber
Industrial manufacturing and materials
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 20.03.2024.