
E - bonitete

CERJAK, proizvodnja in storitve d.o.o.

Company: CERJAK, proizvodnja in storitve d.o.o.
Address: Žadovinek 38, 8273 LESKOVEC PRI KRŠKEM

Google maps
Municipality: Krško
Region: Spodnjeposavska region
Contacts: 00386 74921681
00386 74921682
Matjaž Cerjak
Company management: Director: MATJAŽ CERJAK, tel.: 00386 74921681,
Extract of management responsible for a company's business operations abroad: Ana Kostrevc, (Europe)
Sandra Konečnik, (Canada,Europe,Germany,Austria)
Tomaž Sirk, (Europe,Countries of former Yugoslavia)
Registration number: 1754904
Tax number: 86999583
Organisational form: Limited Liability Company
Source of capital: Domestic
Size of company: Small
Exports share in income: 75,00 %
Tradition since: 1979
Companies trade marks: CERJAK KG: PTO drive shafts
Extract of target regions and countries where a company exports: Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Desired regions and countries of cooperations: European Union, Western Europe
Description of company: Cerjak d.o.o. is a family-owned company whose beginnings date back to 1979. Today we produce PTO drive shafts under our own brand CerjakKG. We also offer the service of mechanical processing, where we are specialized in hydraulic blocks. We are proud of our own development, construction and technology department. In our production we have horizontal machining centers and two robotized lines. We also use state-of-the-art measuring technology - 3D and optical measuring machines. We offer services of thermal deburring anf cleaning. We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015.
Description of products and services:
  • We produce PTO drive shafts for agriculture and the belonging components under our own brand CerjakKG,
  • We offer machining of parts on horizontal machining centers,
  • We offer thermal deburing and cleaning afterwards,
  • We offer measuring on our 3D and optical measuring machine.
Video presentation of company
Market keywords
08006001 Industrial Services
09003001 Engineering services
08005001 Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)
09005001 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products
09004008 Other manufacturing (not elsewhere classified)

02002010 Machining (turning, drilling, moulding, planing, cutting)
07001001 Agriculture Machinery / Technology
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
25.620 Machining
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
25.62.20 Other machining services
28.30.93 Parts of other agricultural machinery
Exported products in accordance with the HS classification
761699 Other articles of aluminium, n.e.s.
740919 Other plates, sheets, of refined cooper, thick.excee.0.15mm
760429 Other bars, profiles, of aluminium alloys
848390 Parts, for transmission shafts
848310 Transmission shafts (cam shafts, crank shafts) and cranks
848360 Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints)
Certificates: ISO 9001:2015
Field of activity: Industrial manufacturing and materials
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.