
E - bonitete

GIZ ACS Slovenski avtomobilski grozd

Company: GIZ ACS Slovenski avtomobilski grozd
Address: Dimičeva ulica 13, 1000 LJUBLJANA

Google maps
Municipality: Ljubljana
Region: Central Slovenia (Osrednjeslovenska)
Contacts: 00386 12361735
Tatjana Mohorič
Company management: Director: Tatjana Mohorič
Registration number: 1710273
Tax number: 22249176
Organisational form:
Source of capital: Is not specified
Size of company: Micro
Tradition since: 2001
Description of company: ACS is a business association based on economic interest of its members uniting Slovenian automotive suppliers. Its members' aim is to reinforce the competitiveness and create greater added value. GIZ ACS is the central communication point of the automotive cluster and it is
supported by infrastructure. ACS provides support for its members to integrate into the global automotive industry and to improve the range of their products and services. Therefore it accelerates the efficiency of its members by providing adequate research and development and co-operating with expert development and scientific institutions both in Slovenia and abroad. 
ACS is a network for business in the Slovenian engineering and manufacturing industries: metal working, mechanical, electrical and electronics, chemical, rubber, textile and transport
equipment industries, as well as partners from R&D institutions and  other services in the supply chains that create and deliver products and services for the automotive industry.
The Slovenian automotive supply industry has a long tradition in working on demanding foreign markets and operates according to EU and globally recognized automotive standards. 
ACS is a carrier of a Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership in the field of mobility SRIP ACS+. 
Description of products and services: - Building, developing and maintaining of general infrastructure operating conditions,
- Encouraging and help connecting and cooperating between members on all fields,
- Developing and performing of ACS strategy,
- Assuring axcess to common informations, fundamental and special knowledges and interventing of them among the members,
- Representing of interest and promotion of ACS in Slovenia and abroad,
- Monitoring and enforcement of agreed forms and regulations of ACS operations,
- Monitoring of systematic, legislating and economic questions and proposing aproppriate actions, 
- Joint operations by members to improve their products,
- Joint operations by members to improve operations in the areas of development, production, quality and organization.
Classification of company:
Main activity in accordance with the NACE classification
74.900 Oth. prof., scientific, tech. act. n.e.c.
Activities in accordance with the CPA classification
74.90.20 Other professional, technical and business services n.e.c.
Field of activity: Automotive industry
Credit rating information:
EXCELLENT credit ratingOrder credit report
Credit rating information provided by EBONITETE.SI
Information on the presentation card companies are obtained from surveys. Financial data are for the financial year 2022, last update 30.06.2023.
Last data update 22.04.2024.